SafeSend Gather FAQ

Do I need to sign an engagement letter again this year?

Yes, we require a new signed engagement letter each year for each entity.

Can I start the organizer and come back to it later?

Yes! To save your work, click the “Save & Close” button in the bottom right corner.

Can I access the organizer at the same time as my spouse?

While the program allows both taxpayer and spouse to access the organizer simultaneously, we do not recommend it. If both parties make changes, it will only retain what the last person saves.

What does the paper clip icon mean?

Certain pages of the Organizer will show a paper clip icon. These pages will allow you to directly upload Source Documents that correspond with that page.

I had a major life event (marriage, birth of child, sale of a home), where should I put this in the organizer?

Use the “Notes to Tax Preparer” box in the bottom right corner to notify us about big changes or give additional information about an organizer page. All notes are compiled to a page at the end for your tax preparer to read.

If I type in the Notes section, will my question be seen immediately?

The notes section is not a chat feature but a limited area to provide a quick note to the CPA for the current page you are on. It will be read once we begin preparing your tax return.

What type of files can I attach?

We prefer PDF files of your tax documents, but can also accept JPEG, Word, and Excel files. If you attach a JPEG photo image, make sure it is legible.

Where can I attach files that don’t have an organizer page? Can I upload tax documents after I have finished my organizer?

After you have completed all relevant fill-in sections of the organizer, click the blue “Finish” button in the bottom right corner. You will be taken to the home screen where you can click “upload documents” to attach any additional files.

I finished uploading source documents, what is the difference between “Complete Later” and “Finish”?

When you have completed the organizer and uploaded your source documents, you will be given two options. Select “Finish” if you are confident that you have submitted all your tax documents and are ready for us to prepare your return. “Finish” will lock your organizer and you will not be able to make changes or add more files. Select “Save & Close” if you are waiting on additional documents.

What Internet Browser should I use?

For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. It will also work with Safari, Firefox, as well as other browsers, but we strongly discourage using Internet Explorer while using SafeSend. SafeSend does not work well with Internet Explorer.

Can I use a mobile device or iPad?

Yes! You can use your phone to sign your engagement letter and upload documents. This will also allow you to take pictures of documents with your phone or iPad to upload documents securely.

I don’t have a scanner. What should I do?

You can use the camera on your phone or iPad to take pictures of documents and then upload them. Please be sure the documents are adequately lit and on a flat contrasting surface for best results.

I completed uploading documents but have additional files to send, what should I do?

Contact us at 972-878-2611 to have your organizer unlocked, allowing you to submit more documents.

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Ennis, TX 75119

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Waxahachie, TX 75165